attr.exe (week #24)
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Application of the Week 2013
- The order in which you alter the attributes does not matter. For instance, you don't have to explicitly remove -r before -s, etc.
- You can combine attributes as in:
`attr -rsh file`
. - You can modify multiple files via the same command-line as in:
`attr -sa file1 file2 +hs file3`
USAGE: attr.exe [options] [file] [file..n] [options file..n] ...
no-arguments Displays attributes for all files (and
directories) in the current directory.
file Specifies a file (or file wildcard) for attr
to process.
+ Sets an attribute.
- Clears an attribute.
r Read-only file attribute.
a Archive file attribute.
s System file attribute.
h Hidden file attribute.
/p --pause Pause when finished.
/r --recursive Processes matching files in the current
directory and all sub-directories. (also /s)
/d Processes directories as well.
(sorry this isn't implemented yet!)
--showpath Output each file's full path and name.
Default is file name only (without the path).
$ attr -h -s desktop.ini
Removes the hidden and system attributes from desktop.ini.
$ attr -hs +a desktop.ini
Removes the hidden and system attributes from
and adds the archive attribute to desktop.ini.
$ attr -r +hs -a desktop.ini +hs folder.jpg
Removes the readonly and archive attributes from and adds the
hidden and system attributes to desktop.ini.
Removes the archive attribute and adds the hidden and system
attributes to folder.jpg.
$ attr /s -h -s desktop.ini
Removes the hidden and system attributes from desktop.ini in
the current and all sub-directories.
Check out the source code at GitHub!