The url CSS property and other frequent CSS pitfalls
<td style="background:url(/Controls/images/rel_calc_chooser_b.gif) repeat-x;"></td>
should be:
<td style="background:url('/Controls/images/rel_calc_chooser_b.gif') repeat-x;"></td>
Although, it usually doesn’t cause a problem with Internet Explorer and Firefox 2.0, it can cause some real mischief in older versions of Firefox and current versions of Opera and Safari. I am probably the worst at this, because I simply forget to type them or am usually copying and pasting paths and images into the editor.
I’ve also noticed several other common mistakes as well.
- Url paths in CSS files are relative to the stylesheet, not the calling document
- Missing pound sign before hex colors
- Hex colors that aren’t 3 or 6 characters long
- Not including a generic font in font-family attributes (i.e.: font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif)
Tracking down CSS-caused issues is usually a head-ache and quite often a nightmare. The Firefox console provides detailed CSS errors along with the JavaScript errors. It is a good habit to review the console watching for these errors when making changes.
By the way, I found a great utility to clean up and streamline CSS code at